saving grace is having a bow worth 30k. I wanted to marry my brother to Yana (currently 26 yrs old) of the Khergit. The Marry Anyone 1. Is 35 really the limit, do I have to restart now or can a companion fill in as. Step 3: The In-Laws. < >-< >- Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > [EN] General Discussions > Topic Details. Hello I have had no luck marring my children off to other characters, unless my main character dies and i become my children. Fortunately, Varic should be 20 in the. For two in-game weeks, I will roam the borderlands, seeking solace in killing defenceless looters. Tried going to the father, no option to marry either. Dennis_the_nazbol • 4 min. Can't find a wife for older brother :: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord [EN] General Discussions. i think its 3GB from 1. Need Console Command Help. R4MPZY said: Depends who you ask, you cannot marry any faction leader, and as i hear from others, any clan leader either. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight. So I created an army and got her into her home city, and asked in her hall. . 1. but total sell price of all her gear is only 68k. Initial mod release. r/MB2Bannerlord. Fix to try and prevent getting kicked out of your faction when marrying a faction leader. Playing a female character, was trying to get married but after failing 3 attempts with last one going critical failure at the last stat check, I got completely locked out of marriage. You can level their skills, gear them up with the finest armor – or silk dresses, your choice – and ask them to join you in battle. New version Mod for Game version 1. No marriage option. but so far it's only frozen when I do this. Well, a decade or so after the campaign starts there's like a 5 or so year gap where there's no marriage candidates available because they are all too old, and the next generation of kids hasn't come of age yet. It seems so, because cannot get even the lowest lord of the realm to get interested while being the most powerful noble of all calradia with social 10, charm focus 5, charm level 267, and not a single lord gives option to talk about "you have no wife etc. When near a castle or a large town, either head to the. 3. I went to ask her father, but there was no dialogue option to ask for marriage. Carry him in your party if you want to have kids. 2. I had my eyes set on another gal in her 30's, but then this strong, feisty 18-year-old won me over. 35. I got married at 37. kill_Alynneth and press enter. Find the partner you want using the encyclopedia and find their location. That way it will disband. The issue is the lack of informing the player and the age at which you start the game. If successful, the character will tell you to speak to their clan’s leader, so find that person. No No. #1 Mr. But no matter what I pick my character gets married to her instead of my brother. I’ve yet to have a daughter in my playthroughs. You have to find someone unmarried and claim to be their admirer. same situation as svana. [Marry Anyone v3] Updated for v. How to marry in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord The first step to getting married and having kids is choosing who you want to marry. I don't know how he did it, but I stand in awe of this majestic, glorious MILF-hunting madlad. The dialogue option will not show up for Arwa. Some scenes and assets of the WIP warhammer 40K mod for Mount and Blade Bannerlord called "Siege of Vraks". 2k. I executed someone's husband, but I don't see any text option that will lead to marriage or anything romantic. x Turkish Translation. I clicked auto offer and I happened to have a Kuzait lord as prisoner so it. 321. When you marry two people the wife joins the clan of the husband. Younger, or older. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. When I talk to her about joining clans, she is the only option I have to select. You can marry for stats, marry for relations (you'll get a huge relations. as you get those things done more options should become available. 4. How to Marry Rhagaea in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord Using Mods. 0. (You can undo this decision at any time. 5. While on the map screen for your game, simply open the menu and go to Options > Mod Options > Marry Anyone. morph113. Bug. Find the girl you want, then save before you talk to her. Don't warn me again for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Another thing to take into account is your own chars. if you want an easy solution, just download bannerlord cheats and put your relation with everyone to 100. 0 press ctrl+alt+~ (qwerty keyboard) In the command box, type : campaign. Also,. Random people trying to marry my sister . 6. At age 30 you become a wizard. List of all changes will be written in the changelogs. 0! New update for the new release of Bannerlord e. ago. No choice to be had - which is weird. You can't. 0! New update for the new release of Bannerlord e. The spouse can be any member of any faction in the game - the easiest way to find a specific character is to. Originally posted by Toppopia: As a female I married a lord of Battania but I had to talk to his father to work out the terms. That's where they offer the oldest eligible clan member. Not only will you be able to. No that dont Work only if they are in your Clan at that Moment and that is in Vanilla impossible. I need suggestions. If you're not in a kingdom it seems they won't accept no matter what, you only get one shot for each couple from what I can tell. Content posted in this community. #1. • 28 days ago. Aug 6, 2020 #10Trying to marry my brother to someone. actually thinking back, you get the menu option to join your households in marriage with both rhagaea and Ira, but asking it to rhagaea just brings up a menu asking wwho you propose is a suitible candidate. Add a Comment. 1. Mod do what you want you can Marry of your Children to other Lords,Minor Lords,Minor Nobles and normal Pesants with the option to chose if you Marry them out of your Clan so they join the new Clan or if you pay some Money and the ne Husband join. If you mean you attempt to barter with them first. Kozy Jul 16, 2014 @ 7:49pm. I run into the same problem during my playthrough. The marriage option is not showing up in dialogue choices. Searching through the. U are right I was on either none or 1. . In a possibly related case, I convinced a different lady to marry me successfully, but when I went to finalize the marriage with her father, I didn't even get the dialogue option to do so. r/Bannerlord. Highest Skills. To find Liena's id we must go to the lords. It wasn't the case previously when you kicked them from the clan iirc. So i invited him and the 2 oldest girls into an army, disbanded, left the kingdom, then captured them. every time I meet a lord in person they just answer "long live (king)" even if I have relation of 30+ with them. To fix this you must: 1 - Download the developer console mod: Developer Console Mod Link. If you’ve gone to the head of each clan and the option isn’t popping up im not sure what the issue is. I of course want to play one of those 4 when my first character dies of old age. As a campaign progresses, Clans across Calradia would die out as their members grew older and died, leaving no heirs behind. List of all changes will be written in the changelogs. I started talking to a bunch of people, random and clan leaders, trying to find them spouses. shiffd Recruit. (You must have at least one fief to start your own kingdom, so you may want to maintain your fiefs when you leave the mercenary arrangement. From what I can tell, once you character goes over the age of 40 you can't marry anymore. No save scumming. 2 - Follow the instructions to install it (Drag and drop into modules folder) 3 - Activate it on modules list. So, if the game has not designated you as suitable for some character - you will have to perform some gameplay gymnastics to get married. It's a dead zone caused by the game not starting with any children for the various clans. 29. Is there any way to fix this so I can marry Sora? Vote. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > [EN] General Discussions > Topic Details. It'll pass in another 10 years if that's the. Go to Clan, parties, select the party you want to disband, then under the name of the party leader choose "change party leader" and select "none". This brings you to a series of options regarding who is available to be married off. Will usually cost around 5k. This is apparently enough to marry his daughter when I ask only issue is when i throw the offer to marry, he offers up. . Am I doing something wrong? Am I not even able to marry a clan member, cause there is no option for that. Esur is the brother of Yana, another young noble from the Khergit clan. Apr 11, 2020 @ 5:41am 35 too old for a female character to marry? No male lord is giving me the option to suggest my hand in marriage, earlier in the game the option still appeared. Marry anyone you like, the only advantage for high stats is you can use them as an independent party, or quartermaster, other than that no gain, in fact if you marry a low level wife you can increase her stats to benefit you. Suitable partners for a male character are all the unmarried sisters and daughters of the various lords; as a female, all the unmarried lords and male companions (if they are made lords) are available. CANT MARRY AFTER FATHER DIES ?? So I ran into issue when trying to marry Savana of clan Vagiroving of Sturgia. Step 3 Wait a few days and talk to them again and propose to them. Unless you use console commands I'm pretty sure you can't have children with Rhagaea. 1. Finally killed Corein with a javelin, trying to marry Ira (who’s not married), but there is no dialogue option? I am king of Vlandia atm and she’s an Aserai vassal, who I just made peace with. marry_player_with_hero command was incorrect, you don't need to enter your name, just the other person you are trying to marry. As noted above, if you intend to marry someone of a particular faction in order to improve your chances of gaining influence within that faction, you should take note of the family of the prospective marriage partner,. This mod remedies this by pairing eligible clan members within a given kingdom and having them marry based a configurable set of criteria. You need to ask them how they feel about their current lord, that is the conversation line to ask them to join your kingdom. 1. "I want to unite our clans through marriage" or something. He is unmarried with no kids. No options in dialog with potential available ladies or with clan leaders. quite the looker for sure. change_main_hero_age 30 Or. level 1. There will be two pips this time. I have a pretty game breaking bug, considering the permadeath feature. TastyBonesGG • 1 yr. stinky rat Apr 7, 2020 @ 3:47pm. BANNERLORD: YOU CAN NOT MARRY AFTER AGE 40. I'm not getting the option to court or buy a wife no matter who i talk to. I did marry 1 times my sister in-game to. 22. Female family always leaves your clan when married too. So now Savana is the clan. xml. Best. . Is there a option or mechanism to get an approval from a woman after a rejection? All I get is the: "I am terribly sorry, we are not really compatible with each other". And when I send a companion, persuasion 7, IF the answer is even close to favorable. The reason being that Clan Leaders, which Rhagaea and your character are, can't marry eachother. You might have to bribe the guards to let you in. ago. So both of the siblings you save in the beginning of Bannerlord have aged up to 18+. #3. Need a cheat for marriage. 17. cheat_mode 1) 3- lookup heros the game thinks are still suitable (campaign. Clan lord will ask you for a gift, and it usually is a big amount of money. Right to rule 99, honor 100, renown 1466, 3 castles + villages. Not only that, but the entire 'charm' system needs a serious overhaul because RNG in the context of dialogue is nothing except frustrating and offers no real choices or gameplay to the player besides. However, when I go to introduce myself there is no dialogue option for marriage. "campaign. Either way, the age for figuring and for marriage are the same, right? I think so at 18 they join your clan properly and I think they can get married then too, but I guess I don't know for certain, could be a slight delay, don't know. " But --"I won't marry without my family's blessing. On my first playthrough of 52 hours, I married Caladog's daughter, Corein, quite a ways in. She already agreed to marry me after successful dialogues, so only thing that is missing is her fathers (or clan leader) blessing. ago. 20.